News From The Green Room

BIG NEWS!! Earth Day 2017 will be held at Huston-Tillotson University!
Earth Day 2017 To Be Hosted By... Huston-Tillotson University
We are thrilled to announce our new location for Earth DayATX 2017... Huston-Tillotson University! Huston-Tillotson University features a beautiful campus in East Austin between 7th and 11th Streets just off of I-35. Huston-Tillotson's sustainability efforts include academic programs, student activities, campus projects and community engagement. With its central location and interconnected indoor and outdoor spaces, Huston-Tillotson is the perfect location for Earth Day Austin 2017. Established in 1875, Huston-Tillotson University offers four-year degrees in business, humanities, natural sciences, social sciences and environmental studies. They also offer alternative teacher certification and tracks for students pursuing postgraduate degrees in Law and Medicine. The vision statement of this private and historically black university is, "a connected world where diversity of thought matters." Huston-Tillotson is also the home of the student led conservation group and regular exhibitor at Earth DayAustin, Green is The New Black. Green is the New Black (GITNB)! And, yes, registration is now open! The registration form is live on the website, but for now, please email , as we are updating our website this week.
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Next Week: Leveraging Our Leadership for Powerful Climate Action
On Tuesday, November 1st, from 2 pm to 5 pm, Austin's key climate leaders and stakeholders will meet in a participatory session led by Lynda Baker. The format is designed to strengthen the conversation around climate solutions, create new opportunities for collaboration and accelerate momentum around this crucial issue. The session focus is:

“How can we as leaders of climate advocacy, justice and innovation collaborate to accelerate inclusive solutions locally, regionally and globally?”

Earth Day ATX joins the Institute for Cultural Affairs, the Technology of Participation and Meeting Solution in supporting this great event hosted by Austin EcoNetwork, 2020 or Bust and Physicians for Social Responsibility. Email for more details or an invitation.
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What's The Green Room?
To further our commitment to offering a forum for local environmental causes, we have established the Green Room as a local hub for Austin's environmental groups. If you would like more information about how to book The Green Room, contact Reed at
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"In the 21st century, I think the heroes will be the people who will improve the quality of life, fight poverty and introduce more sustainability."
- Bertrand Piccard
Welcome Brad Love to the Earth Day ATX Team!
Please help us welcome our new Program Manager, Brad Love! Brad is a long-time Austinite and an accomplished filmmaker with a huge heart and commitment to people and the environment. He has the distinction of having been accepted into Cannes Film Festival, and is a known fixture of the environmental community here in Austin. He joins Director Reed Sternberg, Operations Manager Evy Adamson and Outreach Manager Janis Bookout in the self-proclaimed environmental geek squad that is Earth Day ATX! We also welcome our new interns -- Alexis Meyers and Chris Brown. We are accepting one more intern for this semester, and there are spots open for the future. If you or someone you know is interested, this is the link to apply:
We want your Green Eggs and Ham.
We will feed you while you help us brainstorm about what should be included in Earth Day's monthly and annual events.
This smaller format networking event is an opportunity to sit down with a small group and do some real power-networking with other eco-conscious professionals. 8 seats available for each event.
The Next Event(s): 8:00 AM, Wednesday, October 26th At the Austin Green Room 4804 B Grover Avenue, Austin, TX 78756
Cost: FREE (RSVP required)
To reserve your spot, email or for more information or to see more dates, visit the Green Eggs and Ham Page on the Earth Day Austinwebsite.
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Tuesday, November 29Sustainable Innovations in Construction
November's Monthly event will focus on Sustainable Innovations in Construction.
Tuesday, November 29th Earth Day Austin Green Room 4804 Grover Ave, 78756 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm Visit the EVENTBRITE PAGE to reserve a seat.
We will be joined by the following panelists:
  • Pliny Fisk, Co-Founder of the Center for Maximum Potential Building Systems. The center's amazing center draws leaders from all over the world, produces extraordinary innovations and have been asked to consult on projects at the Pentagon and the Grand Canyon.
  • Borz Azarian, Business Architect at the Ladder Stone Group, is working on a project developing a number of sustainable products, one being a carbon-negative concrete that is holding up in a number of comparative categories.
  • Dr. Yetkin Yildirim is a professor at the UT Pickle facility and also a founder of TerraPave, which produces a petroleum-free, natural resin pavement sealant that holds up better than the mainstream VOC-producing kind.
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