Daniel Llanes, MC of Latino Earth ’16
Earth Culture Dancer Daniel Llanes is an Austin based performance artist and arts educator, specializing in dance, music & poetry.  A prolific writer, choreographer and composer, his original offerings are produced live in a variety of venues ranging from one man shows and exhibits to ensemble, multi disciplinary productions.
A truly Renaissance Artist, in his 16th year as a Cultural Contractor with the C.O.A., he not only produces and performs original and innovative performance art work in a variety of professional, community and educational venues, he is also a photographer who has been exhibiting his collection of photos for the past 4 years, and this year he is producing his first photo book entitled “The Flower Book”, macro photography of flowers.
As an arts educator, Daniel works with all ages, ranging from pre k to university level students.  In 2004 he was awarded a Webber Foundation grant, which created “Learning & Living with Mother Earth”, a comprehensive Arts Environmental Awareness program utilizing poetry, music and dance.
As a community organizer, Mr. Llanes is the Chair of River Bluff Neighborhood Association and is a member of the Austin Neighborhoods Council Executive Committee.  He is a PODERista, an active member of the Raza Roundtable and the Undoing Racism Austin Collective.
Mr. Llanes was declared “Activist of the Year” by NOKOA newspaper in 1991, and in 2007 was one of the first in Austin to receive the Cesar Chavez “Si se Puede” Award.
August 6th, 2015 was proclaimed by the Mayor of Austin to be “Daniel Llanes Day” in appreciation of his prolific artistic contribution to Austin’s vibrant art and cultural scene.
Mr. Llanes is also a practitioner of traditional Aztec folk medicine, Hatha yoga instructer, a father and a community organizer who uses his art to inspire people to appreciate life, one another and to find the fun in life each and every day.
Seu Jacinto, Latino Earth ’16 House Band
Based in Austin, Texas, Seu Jacinto is a music group interested in introducing and developing traditional Northeastern Brazilian culture to Central Texas and all over the world.
The group was formed by University of Texas students and the current line-up has musicians from four different countries which diversifies and spreads their musicality to include many influences from all kinds of music genres.
Our work as a grassroots collective has been focused on the traditional regional music forms of Northeastern Brazil, more specifically the state of Pernambuco and surrounding areas. The opportunity to share aspects of Brazilian culture that are generally overshadowed is a wonderful means for us to share our passion with the public, establish a community and add yet more flavor to the area where we live and perform more often.
Our involvement with Brazilian folklore offers an exploration into its history, which led us to understand that colorful and diverse country, but we are also constantly exploring and adding many musical elements from other areas of the globe such as Cape Verde and the Caribbean for example.
Oaxaca, Arte en Movimento

Capoeira Evolucao
Capoeira is a martial art of Afro-Brazilian origin. It is distinguished by its incorporation of acrobatic and dance movements as well as the integration of music into its practice. A capoeira match or “jogo” takes place within a circle of players called a “roda.” As members of the roda sing and play instruments, two players, called “capoeiristas,” enter and begin to spar. In the jogo, typically, there is as much emphasis on the style and expressiveness of the players as on their martial prowess. The majority of strikes involve the feet and blows are evaded rather than blocked. The result is a flowing, rhythmic and dynamic martial art.
Flamencura Music & Dance Studio has been sharing flamenco with the Austin community through classes and events for 6 years from our home studio on Burnet Rd. Flamencura student dancers and musicians participate in festivals and events throughout the city, wowing audiences with their fire and passion! Flamencura is directed by Olivia and Isai Chacon. www.flamencura.org