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Climate Action Tent


2:00-2:30 Green New Deal - Game Changer
2:30-3:00 It's Possible. It's Happening: Top actions Austinites are taking to reverse global warming
3:00-3:30 Just Say No - To Coal
3:30-4:00 The Pachamama Alliance Reversing Global Warming: Introduction to Drawdown
4:00-4:30 Climate Jeopardy!
4:30-5:15 It's Time for an Extinction Rebellion
5:15 - 6:00 Open Mic
Community members come one and all to tell us about your story or climate change knowledge.
Discover top actions you can take to reverse global warming, from learning about climate policy and actions you can reduce your own carbon footprint, to community organizing to close Austin’s coal power plant and direct action to achieve system change before it’s too late to mitigate the Climate Crisis.

Green New Deal—Game Changer

What is the Green New Deal and why and how has it changed the climate change discussion?
Brought to you by Austin Sierra Club.

It's Possible. It's Happening: Top actions Austinites are taking to reverse global warming

The Climate Action Team develops and provides the audience-effective messaging tools necessary to inspire and galvanize a collective global team.
. Brought to you by the Climate Action Team.

Just Say No - To Coal

Did you know Austin is still burning coal? Find out what you can do to stop the air and water pollution harming our Central Texas neighbors.
. Brought to you by 350 Austin.

The Pachamama Alliance Reversing Global Warming: Introduction to Drawdown

Join us for an inspiring educational experience that invites you to transform your relationship to climate change by introducing you to the latest research from Paul Hawken's Project Drawdown on how it is possible to actually reverse global warming.
Brought to you by the Climate Action Team.

Climate Jeopardy!

Test your knowledge of climate change and the actions you can take!
Brought to you by Mark Foisy.
xr us

It's Time for an Extinction Rebellion

Extinction Rebellion (XR) is a global revolutionary movement that began in the UK in 2018 and focuses on achieving rapid systemic change to address climate and ecological crises.

Come build community with the local Austin XR chapter through screen-printing XR shirts and patches, singing resistance songs, and role-playing direct-action scenarios. Learn more about participate locally in XR's global week of rebellion, April 15-22nd to stay engaged beyond Earth Day! More info at
Brought to you by Extinction Rebellion Austin.

Open Mic

Community members come one and all to tell us about your story or climate change knowledge.